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5 IT Career Pathways and How to Get Started

Information Technology (IT) has been and continues to be one of the fastest-growing industries. Accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic that brought to light a need for digital adoption, it’s no surprise that recent reports reflect an expected revenue growth rate of 7.06% in Australia by 2027. On the hand, the US Bureau of Labour Statistics projects employment growth of 15% by 2031. 

Such growth can only mean new job opportunities and a demand for skilled professionals. The good news is the world of IT offers a variety of career paths. So, if you’re interested in pursuing a career in IT, read on to discover some of the top career options available and how to get started. 


Five IT career paths 


1. Cybersecurity 

While the ever-growing threat of cybercrime continues to loom, cybersecurity is in high demand. So, if you’re seeking a long-term secure IT position, consider studying the basic principles of cybersecurity. To kick start your career within this field - consider a graduate diploma in Information Technology or similar online cybersecurity training courses. Once you’re qualified, you’ll open doors to opportunities such as 

  • Cybersecurity analyst

  • Cybersecurity engineer

  • Information security manager


2. Computer support

Everyone needs a helping hand every now and then when it comes to IT. Enter computer support professionals. So, if IT is an area of interest, getting an entry-level certification via an online IT support course could be the beginning of a fruitful career as an IT support technician and a support desk manager as you progress. Let’s not forget - IT support is a great stepping stone into the industry until you decide which area you wish to specialise in. 


3. Software development

Where would we be without software developers? They are the brains behind video conferencing and music streaming apps, Artificial intelligence apps (AI) such as ChatGPT, and the internet. Software developers speak the language of IT. So, if a career as a software engineer or video game developer sounds enticing to you, you’ll want to consider a course in programming and coding. 


4. Web development

As more and more transactions go online, the website has become the storefront and identity for businesses. It’s where people go seeking information, and business happens. Hence, web development is a job sector expected to continue to grow. And now is the right time to build some HTML, CSS, and JAVA skills through website development courses. As a web developer, you are responsible for the creation and maintenance of a website (front end, back end, or both). Once you’re coding savvy, you’ll be well on you’re way to becoming a 

  • Web developer/designer

  • Full stack developer, or 

  • Front/back-end engineer.


5. Cloud computing

Another fast-growing industry offering career potential is cloud computing. As a cloud engineer or programmer, you would be responsible for building and maintaining cloud infrastructure. To become a cloud engineer, you need strong knowledge and skills in programming languages such as Java. Therefore, enrolling in a cloud computing course is an ideal first step into the world of cloud computing. 

These were just some of the top five IT career pathways among the vast options available. Remember, IT is such a broad field there is something for everyone.


Explore IT career opportunities with AustCorp

Whether you’re just starting out or seeking a senior role, here at AustCorp, we have opportunities available wherever you are in your career. 

At Austcorp, we believe in helping people reach their true potential. So, contact us today if you’re looking to kick-start your career in IT. 

In the meantime, why not check out some of our current opportunities? You never know - we may have what you’re looking for.