Could Management be to Blame for Bad Results?
It’s not enough to just get along and be average. If there is a flaw in your company you need to know about it. If people aren’t performing you need to get to the bottom of it. The first place to start, might be with your management team.
Here are 5 questions you should be asking your management team if performance isn’t what it should be:
1) Does everyone know what they should be doing/ what their targets are?
Targets ensure staff stay motivated and focused. If they don’t know what they’re working towards, how do you expect ‘great’ results?
2) Are you showing thanks and appreciation?
Don’t underappreciate how important this is to the success of a business. People like to work towards something and something as small as a thank you can make huge differences in staff morale.
3) Are you communicating effectively?
It’s important to be concise and informative. Are you giving clear instructions? It can often be the case that employees don’t want to ask “unnecessary questions” so ensure you are communicating efficiently.
4) Are you over burdening staff?
There are only so many hours in the day. Don’t expect people to be happy about overtime; it can be extremely stressful and can often lead to a decrease in productivity.
5) Is your attitude influencing efficiency?
Lead by example. If you’re management team setting the precedent when it comes to company results, or even attitude, you can’t expect your staff to excel.
Management is key in ensuring a successful business and a happy workforce. These 5 simple questions to ask your management team are an easy way to deduce if the fundamentals of successful management are being abided by.