1. Objectives

The Equal Employment Opportunity and Diversity Policy outlines AustCorp Consulting Pty (AustCorp)s commitment to promoting Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace, fostering equitable opportunity and fair treatment for all our employees and stakeholders of the business.

AustCorp recognises the value that a diverse workforce and inclusive culture brings to how we work, do business with our customers, and the communities in which we operate.

The objective of this Policy is to set the minimum standards to:

  • Ensure that our People act with integrity and treat others fairly and with respect, without prejudice or discrimination in any form.

  • Ensure equity and fairness in our People management, practices, and processes so that decisions and initiatives are free from discrimination, harassment, bullying, victimisation, and vilification; and

  • Foster a Culture that values and promotes workforce Diversity, flexibility, and Inclu,sion.

AustCorp Recruitment is committed to diversity and promotes diversity for all employees, workers and applicants and shall always adhere to such a policy.

We review all aspects of recruitment on an ongoing basis to avoid unlawful or undesirable discrimination. AustCorp Recruitment treats everyone equally, irrespective of:

  • Gender Identity / Intersex status.

  • Sexual orientation.

  • Marital or civil partnership status.

  • Age.

  • Disability.

  • Race.

  • Nationality.

  • Cultural identity or background.

  • Ethnic or national origin.

  • Socio-economic background.

  • Physical and intellectual ability.

  • Indigenous background.

  • Family responsibilities.

  • Religion or belief.

  • Political beliefs, and

  • Membership or non-membership of a Trade Union or spent convictions and others.

We place an obligation upon all staff to respect and act following the policy.

AustCorp Recruitment is committed to providing training for its entire staff in equal opportunities practice. The organisation avoids stipulating any unnecessary requirements that would exclude a higher proportion of a particular group and will continue to avoid prescribing any requirements identifying a particular group.

AustCorp Recruitment does not and will not discriminate unlawfully when deciding which candidate/temporary worker is submitted for a vacancy or assignment or in any employment terms or engagement terms for temporary workers. AustCorp Recruitment will ensure that each candidate is assessed only in accordance with the candidate’s merits, qualifications, and abilities to perform the relevant duties required by the vacancy.

AustCorp Recruitment will not accept client instructions that indicate an intention to discriminate unlawfully.

2. Policy Application

This Policy outlines the key principles that apply to AustCorp, our People and aspects of the employment relationship. This Policy applies to work and work-related activities (including training and officially sanctioned work-related functions) both at AustCorp premises, any Client premises or others.

It also applies to our People's interactions with customers and the communities in which we operate, including our dealings with any other person or company on behalf of AustCorp.

No exemptions apply to this Policy.

All Policy breaches must be recorded following the Incident Management Standard and escalated to the policy/company owner. Non-compliance with this Policy may result in disciplinary action. To the extent this Policy imposes obligations on AustCorp, it does not form a contractual term, condition, or representation.

3. Policy Statements

  • AustCorp and its employees must foster Inclusion where individual differences are valued, respected, and appreciated.

Clear guidance must be provided so that our employees and stakeholders know they must act with integrity and treat others respectfully and fairly to ensure that all stakeholders feel valued, involved, able to contribute, and able to perform at their best.

Our employees and stakeholders are expected to behave in accordance with our organisation’s Code of Conduct and must be held accountable for understanding and role-modelling the expected behaviours. This includes recognising and responding to unacceptable behaviours and taking appropriate action.

  • AustCorp and its employees must ensure that its People management practices and processes are designed to provide fair and equitable outcomes.

Our People management practices and processes are to be free from bias and guided by the principles of equal opportunity to ensure fair and equitable decisions and initiatives affecting our People. This will help to foster an Inclusive Culture and a highly engaged, flexible, and diverse workforce.

Our People management practices and processes include:

  • Recruitment and selection.

  • Talent and succession planning (including promotion and retention).

  • Performance and reward.

  • Learning and development.

  • Flexible work practices; and

  • Employment benefits.

We also uphold an effective complaints process that addresses the concerns of inequitable or unfair outcomes experienced by any of our People.

This ensures that complaint resolution is provided in a fair and timely manner.

  • AustCorp and its employees must endeavor to build a diverse workforce and Inclusive Culture that benefits our People and customers and reflects the communities in which we live and operate.

AustCorp and its employees must promote fairness and equality in all employment practices and within the Workplace to ensure our organisation remains agile, resilient, and flexible.

Creating an Inclusive Culture will enable us to:

  • Remove barriers that prevent our people from reaching their full potential because of their characteristics (see Diversity definition for further detail)

  • Leverage the benefits of diversity of thought in our interactions and decision-making, and

  • Create opportunities to understand our customers, foster innovation better, and better manage risk.

4. Roles and Responsibilities


  • Understand and comply with this Policy by completing all relevant training and by following the relevant People practices and processes.

  • Operate following this Policy to ensure that the Workplace is free from discrimination, harassment, bullying, victimisation and vilification; and

  • Treat colleagues and others according to AustCorps Code of Conduct and this Policy and supporting standards, guidelines, and procedures.


  • Take action to continually develop, implement and review plans to create and support a diverse workforce and Inclusive Culture to support the implementation of this Policy;

  • Build a more diverse workforce through flexible ways of working.

  • Complete all relevant leader training, role model the expected behavior's and provide advice and guidance to Employees; and

  • Identify and address any behaviours that is not consistent with the AustCorps Code of Conduct, this policy, and supporting standards, guidelines, and procedures.

Senior Leaders:

  • Take accountability for the establishment and achievement of Diversity metrics.

  • Approve AustCorp’s Diversity and Inclusion strategy and initiatives.

  • Champion Diversity and Inclusion by widely communicating the business case and role modelling behaviours consistent with AustCorp’s Code of Conduct and this Policy

  • supporting standards, guidelines and procedures.

  • Establish Measurable Objectives for achieving gender Diversity and other Diversity targets as appropriate to support AustCorp’s Diversity and Inclusion Plan.

  • Assess annually both the measurable Objectives for achieving gender Diversity and the progress in achieving them and

  • Ensure that the work environment is free from discrimination, harassment, bullying, victimisation, and vilification by treating colleagues and others according to AustCorp’s Code of Conduct and this Policy and supporting standards, guidelines, and procedures.

People Experience:

  • Develop and review standards, guidelines, and procedures to support the implementation of this Policy. •Assist leaders in taking action to develop and implement plans to ensure workforce.

  • Diversity, flexibility, and Inclusion; and

  • Assist leaders in addressing behaviours that are not consistent with AustCorp’s Code of Conduct and this Policy and supporting standards, guidelines, and procedures.

Diversity Council

  • Agree and prioritise Diversity and Inclusion initiatives and Diversity metrics, including. •Measurable Objectives for Gender Diversity (reviewed quarterly).

  • Support AustCorp’s Diversity and Inclusion initiatives within their relevant Functions and

  • Champion Diversity and Inclusion by communicating the business case and role-modelling behaviours consistent with AustCorp’s Code of Conduct, this Policy, and supporting standards, guidelines, and procedures.

5. Complaints and Monitoring Procedures

AustCorp Recruitment has procedures for monitoring compliance with this policy and dealing with complaints of discrimination.

These are available from Mr. David Harrison (CEO) and/or Mr. Lee Bamber (General Manager) or on request to any AustCorp team member and will be made available immediately upon request.

Any discrimination complaint will be investigated fully per this and wider company policies.