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Employer Branding: Turning Your Organisation into an Employer of Choice

In today's highly competitive job market, the global talent shortage is a pressing issue for organisations. To address this, businesses must adopt robust strategies to position themselves as employers of choice. In this context, employer branding plays a crucial role in building a solid identity and attracting skilled professionals.

What is Employer Branding?

Employer branding is not just a buzzword; it is a strategic investment that delivers tangible results. It involves creating a unique and appealing employer image that highlights the company's practical, financial, and emotional benefits. The ultimate goal of employer branding is to position the company as the preferred choice in the job market.

It's important to remember that employer branding is not just about attracting and retaining talent. It's about the people who make your company what it is. Your employees play a crucial role in shaping your company’s culture and reputation. A strong employer brand, aligned with the company's values and objectives, fosters a consistent and unified identity, reinforcing organisational culture and driving business success. It's a testament to the value your employees bring to the table.

This blog explores the strategic elements of employer branding, focusing on practical implementation, benefits, and how it can provide a competitive edge in the talent market. We will cover the steps needed to develop a compelling Employer Value Proposition (EVP), the importance of internal marketing and employee engagement, and the metrics for measuring the impact of employer branding. By the end of this article, you will be equipped to leverage employer branding to transform your organisation into an employer of choice.

Step 1: Conduct Comprehensive Research

Building an effective employer branding strategy begins with understanding the current perception of your employer brand. Knowing how your organisation is viewed internally by employees and externally by potential candidates is crucial for identifying strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement.

Internal Research
  • Employee Surveys and Focus Groups: Conduct surveys and organise focus groups to gather insights from current employees about what they value most in their workplace. Explore the work environment, benefits, career development opportunities, and work-life balance. This feedback will help identify your organisation’s unique selling points (USPs) and areas needing enhancement.

  • Employee Exit Interviews: These conversations between employers and departing employees provide valuable feedback and insights into reasons for leaving. Effectively conducting exit interviews involves creating a comfortable and confidential environment, asking open-ended questions, and using the gathered insights to make positive organisational changes.

External Research
  • Market Analysis: Analyse job market trends to understand what prospective employees seek in an employer. Study industry reports job boards, and social media to identify trends and preferences in the job market. Seek Market Trends and LinkedIn Talent Insights can be of assistance when collecting this type of data.

  • Competitor Benchmarking: Study your competitors' employer branding strategies to understand their strengths and weaknesses. This will help you identify opportunities to differentiate your brand and attract top talent. This can be done by analysing the career pages or job postings on competitors websites as well as their profiles on Glassdoor and Indeed which can provide insights into employee reviews and ratings.

  • Target Group Perception: Understand how prospective employees perceive your company, what they want and need from an employer, and how your employer brand stands relative to competitors. This can be achieved through social listening tools like Brandwatch,Mention, or Sprinklr, which allow you to monitor conversations related to your brand across various online platforms. You can also attain this information through recruitment agencies like AustCorp Executive, who can perform Market Mapping and provide valuable insights into your target audience's perceptions and preferences.

Step 2: Develop an Employer Value Proposition (EVP)

The core of a company's employer branding is the Employer Value Proposition (EVP), which reflects how the company wants to be perceived by potential or current employees. The EVP also represents the value employees are expected to contribute and the value they can expect in return from employers.

The EVP framework consists of five components that create employee value:

Blue and Green Business Roadmap Presentation (1).png

Competitive salary packages are essential to attract and retain top talent. Compensation is often the first thing potential employees look at when considering a job offer. Therefore, your compensation packages must be competitive within your industry.

  • Benchmarking: Conduct regular market salary surveys or collect data from reputable sources to ensure your compensation packages are competitive within your industry.

  • Transparency: Communicate compensation structures and potential benefits and awards during recruitment and onboarding.

  • Incentives: Implement performance-based bonuses and incentives that reward high achievers and align with company goals.


Benefits include non-salary perks like health insurance, retirement plans, paid time off, and other personal benefits like gym memberships, wellness programs, or childcare support. A comprehensive benefits package enhances employee satisfaction and loyalty, making your organisation attractive to potential hires.

  • Needs Assessment: Conduct surveys to understand which benefits your employees value the most.

  • Customisation: Offer flexible benefit packages that cater to the diverse needs of your workforce.

  • Communication: Regularly update employees about their benefits and how to access these services.

Work Content

Work content refers to the nature of the job itself, including the variety, complexity, autonomy, meaningfulness, and feedback mechanisms. Engaging and meaningful work content motivates employees, boosts job satisfaction, and reduces turnover rates.

  • Job Design: Ensure roles are designed to provide a variety of tasks and opportunities for skill utilisation.

  • Feedback Systems: Implement regular feedback mechanisms to help employees understand their performance and areas for improvement.

  • Autonomy: Encourage a culture of trust where employees have the autonomy to make decisions and manage their workload.


Career development encompasses long-term opportunities for growth, learning, and advancement within the organisation. Opportunities for career advancement and skill development are critical factors in attracting and retaining ambitious professionals.

  • Career Paths: Clearly define and communicate potential career paths within the organisation.

  • Training Programs: Offer ongoing training and development programs to help employees acquire new skills and advance in their careers.

  • Mentorship: Implement mentorship programs where experienced employees can guide and support newer staff.


Affiliation refers to employees' emotional connection towards the organisation, including a sense of belonging and alignment with the company's values. A strong sense of affiliation fosters loyalty, enhances employee morale, and creates advocates for your employer brand.

  • Cultural Fit: Ensure your hiring process screens for cultural fit and alignment with company values.

  • Community Building: Foster a supportive work environment through team-building activities, social events, and open communication channels.

  • Recognition: Regularly recognise and celebrate employee achievements and contributions to reinforce a sense of belonging.

By thoughtfully and strategically addressing these five components, your organisation can develop a compelling EVP that attracts top talent, enhances employee satisfaction, and strengthens your overall employer brand.

Aligning Core Values with Your EVP

Aligning your employer branding with the company's core values and corporate goals is not just fundamental, it's essential. It's about creating an image that resonates with your employees, both current and potential, and makes your organisation an attractive workplace. This image should reflect the true essence of your organisation, rooted in its core values and strategic objectives. It's about fostering a sense of connection and commitment to your company's mission.

For example, if an organisation prioritises sustainability, its employer branding should reflect this commitment by highlighting sustainable business practices, eco-friendly office environments, and CSR activities. Aligning employer branding with corporate goals also helps achieve strategic objectives. For instance, if a company aims to expand into new markets, the employer branding strategy can emphasise career growth and global exposure opportunities.

Step 3: External Communication of the EVP

Once the EVP is developed, it must be effectively communicated to the target audience. External communication is vital for attracting potential employees and creating a positive perception of the organisation. Methods include:

  • Career Websites: Feature engaging job descriptions highlighting the EVP. This is often the first touchpoint for potential candidates, so convey your unique strengths.

  • Social media: Share success stories, employee testimonials, and insights into company culture. Social media allows real-time engagement and showcases the authentic employee experience.

  • Recruitment Campaigns: Ensure consistent messaging across all recruitment platforms. Maintain a cohesive narrative highlighting your organisation’s unique aspects and competitive advantages.

Step 4: Internal Marketing of Employer Branding

Internal marketing reinforces the EVP within the organisation, ensuring that current employees are engaged and aligned with your employer brand.

Promoting the Employer Brand Internally
  • Onboarding Programs: Incorporate the EVP into onboarding programs to ensure new hires understand and embrace the company's values and culture from day one.

  • Regular Updates: Use internal newsletters, social media, emails, events, and meetings to inform employees about company news, achievements, and initiatives. Consistent communication helps reinforce the employer's brand.

  • Leadership Engagement: Leaders play a pivotal role in embodying the company's values and culture, setting the tone for the entire organisation. They should actively practice and encourage the organisation's values, participate in branding initiatives, and share their experiences on social media to humanise and strengthen the employer brand.

Aligning Internal Communications with the EVP

Ensure all internal communications reflect the EVP and reinforce the organisation’s values and culture. This creates a cohesive employee brand experience and helps build a strong internal brand.

  • Consistent Messaging: Clear and consistent communication of the company's values, culture, and value proposition across all touchpoints creates a seamless and cohesive experience for everyone interacting with the brand.

  • Feedback Mechanisms: Establish surveys and suggestion boxes to gather employee input on internal communications and branding efforts, ensuring that messaging resonates with employees and addresses their needs.

Step 5: Employee Advocacy

Employees are the most credible advocates for an employer brand. Their authentic and positive experiences can influence perceptions and strengthen the employer's brand. Happy employees are likelier to share their positive work experiences, acting as powerful advocates.

Benefits of Employee Advocacy
  • Credibility: Potential candidates trust the opinions of current employees more than official corporate messaging. Employee testimonials and endorsements are viewed as more authentic and reliable.

  • Reach: Employees can extend the reach of the employer brand beyond the organisation’s official channels, attracting a broader and more diverse talent pool.

  • Engagement: Engaged employees who believe in the employer brand are more productive, loyal, and motivated.

Strategies for Engaging Employees

Implement strategies that engage employees in brand-building activities to harness the power of employee advocacy:

  • Employee Recognition Programs: Recognise and reward employees who embody the organisation’s values and contribute to its success. Recognition can take various forms, such as awards, bonuses, and public acknowledgment.

  • Employee Advocacy Programs: Encourage employees to become brand ambassadors. Provide tools and training for adequate representation. For example, set up company employee profiles on review sites like Glassdoor.

  • Social Media Engagement and Employee Stories: Leverage social media to showcase employee experiences. Highlighting real stories humanises the brand and creates a more relatable and appealing image. Feature employees in blog posts, videos, and social media posts to share their personal stories and career journeys. Create branded hashtags for employees to post about their work experiences, amplifying employee-generated content.

Step 6: Measuring the Impact of Employer Branding

Measuring the impact of employer branding is crucial for understanding its effectiveness and areas for improvement. By tracking specific metrics and using appropriate tools, organisations can gauge how well their employer branding efforts resonate with current and potential employees.

Key Metrics and Tools
  • Employee Satisfaction: Measures how happy and content employees are with their jobs. Employee satisfaction strongly indicates a positive workplace culture and effective employer branding. Use satisfaction surveys to gather feedback on various aspects of the work environment, leadership, Compensation, and benefits.

  • Engagement Levels: Reflect on the degree to which employees are emotionally invested in their work and committed to the organisation. Engaged employees are more productive, loyal, and likely to advocate for the employer brand. Tools like Gallup's Q12 survey can assess factors that drive employee engagement, such as recognition, development opportunities, and alignment with the company mission.

  • Turnover Rates: Track the rate at which employees leave the organisation over a specific period. High turnover rates can indicate issues with employer branding. By tracking turnover rates and conducting exit interviews, you can identify common reasons for employee departure.

  • Talent Attraction Metrics: Measure the effectiveness of employer branding in attracting top talent. Strong employer branding should result in a higher number of qualified applicants and lower cost-per-hire. Use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to monitor the number and quality of applicants, time-to-fill positions, and cost-per-hire. Platforms like Glassdoor can provide insights into how potential candidates perceive your employer brand.

In conclusion, enhancing employer branding is not merely a strategic advantage but necessary in today's competitive job market. By understanding and leveraging the core elements of employer branding, HR managers and executive leaders can significantly improve their organisation's ability to attract and retain top talent by conducting thorough research, developing a compelling Employer Value Proposition (EVP), aligning this EVP with core values, and effectively communicating both internally and externally are crucial steps in this process.

Additionally, engaging employees as brand advocates and measuring the impact of your employer's branding efforts are essential for continuous improvement and sustained success. Implementing these strategies will help your organisation stand out to prospective employees and foster a positive and productive workplace culture that drives business success. By prioritising employer branding, you position your organisation as an employer of choice, capable of attracting and retaining the best talent in the industry.

At AustCorp Executive, we specialise in talent acquisition and are dedicated to helping organisations like yours develop and refine their employer branding and talent acquisition strategies. Our expertise ensures you attract and retain the top talent to drive your business forward.

Ready to transform your employer brand and talent acquisition approach? Contact us today to learn how we can support your HR needs and help you become an employer of choice.

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